Monday, September 10, 2007

America. We still have some progress to make.

This article makes me somewhat sick. Pretty much, unless you're a white male whose a Christian, you have a lot less likely chance to become President of our country.

"One in four people in the U.S. said in a recent poll that they would be less likely to support a presidential candidate who is Mormon, an ominous sign for Republican contender Mitt Romney."

"Yet the survey found two groups, atheists and Muslims, were even less likely to win votes.
Sixty-one percent of those questioned said they would be less likely to support a presidential candidate who did not believe in God. Forty-five percent said the same for a Muslim contender."

Come on. That's just stupid. Why would you not vote for a President, for a country that was NOT founded on any religion, just because he's NOT Christian. Apparently, 61% of the people surveyed wouldnt.

Their could be a male or female that would be perfect to lead this country, but if that person were Athiest, they probably wouldn't get voted in. They could have a higher set of morals then other candidates running that are self proclaimed christians. But that doesn't matter. It's the fact that they aren't Christian.

Read the article for more info on it. Theirs still plenty of racism and sexism in our country. And apparently, we still aren't too accepting of candidates that aren't older white male Christians.

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