Thursday, September 6, 2007

Fred Thompson officially running for President

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"Fred Thompson officially entered a wide-open Republican presidential race Thursday, vowing to invigorate a dispirited GOP and promising to thwart another Clinton from capturing the presidency."

Sweet, that's exactly who I want as my president. A 65 year old conservative whose made it well known he's anti-video games. He's also-

-Voted no on funding smaller classes
-Voted no on funding student testing
-Voted no on including prescription drugs under medicare
-Voted no for importing drugs from Canada
-Voted no on increasing tax deductions for tuition
-Openly stated he'd do the same thing the president's doing in Iraq
-Strongly opposes gay marriage and civil unions
-Favors decrease in taxes for the wealthy
-Opposes replacing coal and oil with alternatives

What an awesome guy. I mean really. It'd be like having another four years of President Bush. If this A-hole became our next President, I'm moving to Canada.


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