Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Worlds first Space Port

Sounds like something right out of science fiction movie doesnt it?

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That's right. We're talking about a place where you go, get on a jet, and you fly to outer space and back.

"Last month, a team of U.S. and British architects and designers won a recommendation for designing the primary terminal and hangar facility at Spaceport America — structures that symbolize the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport."

" Founded by Branson, a British entrepreneur and adventurer, Virgin Galactic was created to undertake the challenge of making private space travel available to everyone."

Yea, to everyone. Because everyone can afford to pay that un-godly amount of money to go on fly up there right? That would be pretty freaking sweet though.

I think before we know it, we'll be making flights to the moon.


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